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How can I learn whether my ip address has restricted or not?

The access of IPs may be resitricted beacuse of the SPAM, Viruses, unauthorized usage, P2P Sharing, and breach of license for a limited time or indefinite by the METU-CC. You can check the status of your IP by the link below: 

https://netregister.metu.edu.tr -> Restriction Menu

The users has the restricted IPs, after solving the problem caused to the restriction may login https://netregister.metu.edu.tr with their METU username and password and remove the restriction.

Some restrictions may not appear on the Restriction menu, or the you may not be allowed to remove the restriction by yourself. In such a case, please reach us via "Contact Us" link on METU Computer Center web site with your restricted MAC address. Your status will be examined and returned to you as soon as possible.