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METU Smartcard History

The Smart Card Technology, which has been under development since the early 2000s in METU, was put into effect as a project at the start of the 2002 - 2003 academic year when all students and staff were provided with Smart Card identification cards.

Within the scope of the project, as planned, the Smart Card was put into use firstly as the e-wallet for the cafeteria, then as an e-ID application at seven department buildings, two PC rooms, and two campus gate entry barriers in 2005.

With the second stage of the Smart Card application, started at the end of 2006, the e-wallet application of the smart card has been extensively widespread within the campus. Later stages of the project is being devised and shaped according the needs and the requirements of the METU members. All information regarding the Smart Card project may be accessed at our web pages.