3ds Max Installation
1.Step: You should choose “Install Products” on the screen.
2.Step: You must install components. Therefore, all components must be checked. You should click Next button to continue.
3.Step: Components installing. This will take time. Please wait.
4.Step: Firstly, you have to accept license agreement to install. Then, you should click Next button.
5.Step: You should choose “I have my product information” option. Then, you should go to: and find serial.txt where software.iso was downloaded. You should enter serial number with the help of txt file. You should just click Next button to continue.
6. Step: You must click Configure button on this screen.
7.Step: You should choose “Network License” option. And name of the server must be: “”. Then, you should click Configuration Complete button to activate product.
8. Step: You should click Install button to install the product. Product will be installed.
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