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How can I apply for a new e-list?

To create a new list on the list server of METU, the academic/administrative department or the adviser/administrator of the student group must apply to METU Computer Center by filling out the "Application Form". A user code and a password defined on the central servers of the university are required to access the application form. The list owner will be notified, if the request to open a new list is deemed appropriate by the Center.

A user must fill out the "Application Form" to be able to open the list she/he wants. The information required on this form covers explanation about the list, the aim of the list, the owner of the list and the type of the list. Only the academic and administrative personnel can access the form using their usernames and passwords defined on the central servers. The procedure for opening a list on METU Electronic List Server is handled by CC Informatics Group.

The name of the list is required to be relevant to the aim and the subject of the list. In addition generic names and names which can possibly be used as user names should not be entered as list names. In case of such list name requests CC Informatics Group suggests appending an "-l" at the end of the list name or adding another suitable suffix or prefix. 
If the user requests the list name "cinema", it is suggested that the name may be changed as odtu-cinema or cinema-l.

Moreover, communication lists are requested for some courses during the academic term. In the applications made for these courses, list name is required to be a combination of the related department's ECS user code and the course code. If a list is requested for a course which is given in more than one section, the list name is defined by adding the section number to the name of the list for the course: 
Eg: econ123

For the requests from METU Northern Cyprus Campus, list name must start with "ncc-" in addition to the criteria above.

Departments may own electronic lists for the purpose of communicating with their students, in case list administration is handled by their own personnel
Names of such lists that can be defined for different classes are as below: 
1. class -> dept-freshman 
2. class -> dept-sophomore 
3. class -> dept-junior 
4. class -> dept-senior 
Master and Doctorate Students -> dept-graduate or dept-g
All Undergraduate Students -> dept-undergraduate or dept-ug

Similarly, if requested by departments, general lists with the names, dept-students, dept-staff and dept-faculty can be defined for respectively the department students, staff or faculty members.
"dept" is replaced with the ECS user code of the department.