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How can I change my Alumni Account password? What should I beware of in picking a new password?
To change the password for your user code on Central Servers:
From the User Account Management Page:
Sign in to User Account Management web page with your user code and password from the address below
Then click Change Password.
Users must create their passwords according to the following rules:
Mandatory elements in passwords are:
- The password must be exactly 8 characters. Make sure there are no more or less characters.
- The password must contain at least one uppercase letter (ABCD… .Z).
- The password must contain at least one lower case letter (abcd… z).
- The password must contain at least one number (1234567890).
- The password must contain at least one of the special characters given in parentheses ([% () * +, -. /:; <> ^ _ {|} ~]).
Elements that should not be included in passwords are:
- The password cannot contain a space character.
- The password cannot contain 1900s or 2000s. (1978, 1999, 2001, etc.)
- The password cannot contain consecutive numbers of 4 or more characters. (1234, 2345, 5678, etc.)
- The password cannot contain characters that repeat itself more than 2 times. (AAA, zzz, etc.)
- The password cannot contain Turkish characters. (ç, ğ, İ, ö, ş, ü…)
- The password cannot contain non-ASCII characters. (ä, é, Ý, Ð, Π etc.)
- The password cannot contain an easily predictable word or dictionary word, all uppercase or lowercase.
- The new password cannot be the same as the last 5 passwords, if any.
Example passwords:
- Polut36*
- Dem70:ka
- 2K/mReD
- 2F,646(w
- EO*A(/5y
- .g1>4YjT
- o)5aDA-9