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How can I find out about the source of my network connection failure at the Dormitories?

Please review the following if you have problems with your wired network connection problem at the dormitories.

1. To solve your connection problem, read the following conditions first.

1.1. In case of violations of the rules regarding internet usage, the internet access of the students may be blocked automatically. In such cases, you will be informed via e-mail. Please check your METU e-mail. You can also get information from the "Restrictions" section when you log in to https://netregister.metu.edu.tr.

1.2. Log in to https://netregister.metu.edu.tr/  using your own user information. Check if the physical address (MAC address) of your device with the internet connection problem is registered in the system. If it is not registered, find out the physical address of your device and register it in the system. The following links are useful if you don't know how to get your device's MAC address.



1.3. The internet connection provided by Middle East Technical University should be used within the framework of METU Information Technology Resources Use Policy (See https://www.metu.edu.tr/it-use-policy) Any actions that are contrary to this policy may prevent the students from accessing the internet or penalty sanctions. Internet sharing through hotspots or other software is one of the most common rules violations and may be another reason for blocking students' connections.

1.4. Try connecting your device to the internet with another internet patch cable or another wall outlet that you know as working properly.

    • If you can connect with a different internet patch cable in your own wall outlet, your cable is defective, you need to renew your cable.
    • If you can connect with your own cable at a different outlet, please inform the Dormitory Reception to have your own network checked.

1.5. Make sure that your device is free from viruses or malware. Scan your device for viruses in any case. If your device still contains virus software, you can try restoring the system. Please visit the following links for more information:

https://support.microsoft.com/tr-tr/help/17127/windows-back-up-restore for Windows PCs

https://support.apple.com/tr-tr/HT201250 for MACs

2. If you are using the USB or Thunderbolt port to connect your computer to the Internet, make sure your Ethernet to USB or Ethernet to Thunderbolt converter is connected and working properly. If an authorized driver is provided for the use of such converters, make sure that the driver is installed and up to date. Also, check that the MAC address registered in the system is the same as the MAC address of the Ethernet converter you are using. If your device has an Ethernet port, check that your Ethernet card is plugged in and enabled, and if so, the driver is installed and up to date. 

3. It is recommended that you do not use any types of equipment between your computer and the wall outlet.

If you could not resolve the connection problems, please visit us at Computer Center room B-14 with your computer. Remember to bring any Ethernet converters you use, if any.