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How can I find out the e-signature validity period?

Electronic signature certificates are valid for 3 years for Turkish citizens and 1 year for foreign nationals.

You can learn the validity period of your electronic signature in 5 different ways.

Two of the most practical are described below:

1. Connect to the http://eimza.metu.edu.tr page with your user code / password pair. The validity dates of all the certificates produced so far are shown on the relevant page.

Not: VPN service should be used to access this page outside of the campus. (for more information http://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/groups/vpn-service)

2. In the EBYS application, when the PIN entry window is opened on the electronic signature or e-signature screens, "Valid" or "Expired" information is displayed in the "Validity period:" section under your user information.