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How can I find out the MAC (physical) address on a BlackBerry Smartphone?
BlackBerry 4.5 - 5.0 versions:
- From the home screen, click Options > Status.
- The WLAN MAC field displays the MAC address for the smartphone.
BlackBerry 6 - 7.1 versions:
- From the home screen, select Setup > Options > Device > Device and Status Information.
- The WLAN MAC field displays the MAC address for the smartphone.
BlackBerry 10 OS version:
- From the home screen select Settings > Network Connections > Wi-Fi > Advanced.
- In the Diagnostic Information drop-down, select Device Information.
- The Physical Address field displays the MAC address for the smartphone.
Blackberry Playbook Tablet:
- From the Home Screen click on Options.
- Next select About.
- Next Select Network from drop down menu.