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How can I install Safe Exam Browser to the computers in my PC room?

You can download the SEB for Windows Installation setup program (also containing the SEB Windows configuration tool) from SEB website. After download is completed, start SafeExamBrowserInstaller.exe and follow the steps in the installation program. The installation is straighforward.

After the installation, you need to configure the software with SEBConfigTool.exe located in the SEB application folder (usually C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86)).

In most cases, you need to set only the settings in the General pane (like the URL which SEB opens and the passwords to open a config file for editing and to quit/restart SEB) and leave the default values for all other settings which present "secure" options. You also need to enable Safe Exam Browser setting from ODTÜClass. https://safeexambrowser.org/windows/win_usermanual_en.html#LMS

Once you have a config file for your browser, you can share it to all of your examinees, either by a .SEB file or by online (publish the config file from your website). They can complete the settings on their own computers with this link