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How to e-sign a PDF document with Acrobat Reader DC?

With Acrobat Reader DC software, it is possible to sign an e-signature to a pdf document that was created before. There are two notices that need attention here:

1. KamuSM is not accepted as a secure root certificate provider in many operating systems. Therefore, root certificates produced by TUBITAK KamuSM must be downloaded and installed.

2. You must have installed the "Akis" driver suitable for your operating system. You can download it from the drivers page of KamuSM.

After running the Acrobat Reade DC software, follow the steps below:

Select "Edit" in the top menu and then "Preferences ..."

Select "Security (Enhanced)" on the left side and uncheck "Enbale Protected Mpode at Startup" under "Sandbox Protections" in the middle screen. Close the page by saying "OK".

You will need to restart Acrobat Reader DC.

When Acrobat Reader DC restarts, select 'Edit' in the Top menu and then 'Preferences ...' as in step 1.

Select "Signiture" on the left side and click the "More" button under "Identities & Trusted Certificates" in the middle screen.

Select "Digital IDs" on the left, under it, click "PKCS # 11 Modules and tokens" and click the "Attach Module" button

Akis module is "C: /Windows/System32/akisp11.dll" file.

Select "Digital IDs" on the left, under "PKCS # 11 Modules and tokens", under "AKIS PKCS # 11 Library", go to "Akis".

Start the process of uploading your certificate by pressing the button with the "+" sign.

In the window that opens, type the "PIN" number required to access your certificate.

Then exit by saying "Cancel" in the window that opens.

You can see your certificate in "Akis" under "AKIS PKCS # 11 Library" under "PKCS # 11 Modules and tokens" under "Digital IDs" on the left.

Click the "Pencil" mark and select "Use for Signing".

Close all pop-up windows and return to the main Acrobat Reader DC screen.

Click the "Open" button in "Certificates" under "Tools" in Acrobat Reader DC tabs. If there is no "Certificates" it can be found under "Show more".

After the "Certificates" toolbar is created, click the "Digital Sign" button.

A warning will appear on the document for you to determine the place where you will sign your signature.

When you locate your signature, you will see the screen Acrobat Reader DC asks which certificate to use (Your e-signature must be attached) Select your certificate and press the "Contiune" button.

Enter your e-signature PIN in the "Enter the Digital ID PIN or Password…" field and press the "Sign" button.

A window will open for you to save the e-signed file. Save it wherever you see appropriate.