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How is the KamuSM Certified Electronic Signature (E-signature) Application Process?
KAMUSM Certified Electronic Signature (CES) Application Process
- The user has to login page with METU usercode and password. The appropriate choice should be chosen (First Application/Renewal/ID update) and the application must be submitted.
*** IMPORTANT: Use the VPN service to access relevant addresses from outside the campus.
(You can visit to get information about VPN service and its installation.)
- The list of personnel requesting CES is sent to TÜBİTAK KamuSM by METU E-Signature Officer
- An e-mail is sent to user's METU e-mail address by KamuSM.
- After receiving the e-mail from TÜBİTAK KamuSM, the "Completing the e-Signature Applications with Pre-Application" processes specified in the link must be completed.
- CES will be produced and delivered to the user by means of special courier.