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I don't have an e-signature, how can I get it?

It is possible to obtain an electronic signature with individual or institutional payment. Public institutions are obliged to obtain their electronic certificates from the Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi (KamuSM) affiliated to TÜBİTAK UEKAE in accordance with the Prime Ministry circular. Personnel who can obtain an electronic signature with institutional payment can make an E-signature request by filling out the form at


with METU username and password.

Please use the VPN service to access the relevant address from outside the campus. You can visit https://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/tr/groups/vpn-service for information about the VPN service and its installation.

For those who want to purchase an electronic signature individually, institutions authorized to provide electronic signatures can be learned from https://www.btk.gov.tr/elektronik-sertifika-hizmet-saglayicilari. Indiv... have to pay the Certified Electronic Signature (e-signature) fees obtained from alternative institutions.

If you have a previously purchased electronic signature card reader, you can use it.