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Password and Recovery E-Mail Procedures for METU Alumni User Codes

A- To change the password of your METU alumni user code:

  1. Visit https://alumniaccount.metu.edu.tr/,
  2. Log in with your current alumni user code and password you are using,
  3. Click the CHANGE PASSWORD button on the following page,
  4. Type your new password twice in accordance with the rules in Section E below and click the CHANGE button.
  5. After a successful change, you can use your new password in a couple of minutes.

B- To set a new password in case you forget your password OR your password has been reset:

In case you forget your password, your recovery e-mail must be registered in your user account so that you can set yourself a new password. A new password activation link will be sent to your non-METU recovery e-mail address (Gmail, etc.) upon your request. You will be expected to reset your password within 24 hours via the link in the e-mail message. If your recovery e-mail is not defined in the system or if you have forgotten your recovery e-mail, follow the steps in sections C and D below.

If your recovery e-mail is defined in the system and you know your recovery e-mail;

  1. Enter https://alumniaccount.metu.edu.tr/,
  2. Under the User Login section, click "Forgot your password?"
  3. Click on the "SEND E-MAIL" button after entering the "username", "recovery e-mail" defined in the system, and the "image verification" characters.
  4. Check your recovery email address inbox. A new password activation link will be sent to your address. Click on the activation link on the next page.
  5. When you click the activation link, you will be directed to the page where you can create a new password. When you create a new password in accordance with the criteria specified in section D, you will see the message that your password has been successfully changed.
  6. After a successful change, you can use your new password in a couple of minutes.

C- To define a recovery e-mail:

  1. Visit https://alumniaccount.metu.edu.tr/,
  2. Login with the current user code-password you are using,
  3. Click SET RECOVERY EMAIL button on the following page,
  4. Write your recovery email and click the UPDATE button.

D- Our users should create their passwords according to the following rules:

Mandatory elements in passwords are:

  • The password must be exactly 8 characters. Make sure there are no more or less characters.
  • The password must contain at least one uppercase letter (ABCD… .Z).
  • The password must contain at least one lower case letter (abcd… z).
  • The password must contain at least one number (1234567890).
  • The password must contain at least one of the special characters given in parentheses ([% () * +, -. /:; <> ^ _ {|} ~]).

Elements that should not be included in passwords are:

  • The password cannot contain a space character.
  • The password cannot contain 1900s or 2000s. (1978, 1999, 2001, etc.)
  • The password cannot contain consecutive numbers of 4 or more characters. (1234, 2345, 5678, etc.)
  • The password cannot contain characters that repeat itself more than 2 times. (AAA, zzz, etc.)
  • The password cannot contain Turkish characters. (ç, ğ, İ, ö, ş, ü…)
  • The password cannot contain non-ASCII characters. (ä, é, Ý, Ð, Π etc.)
  • The password cannot contain an easily predictable word or dictionary word, all uppercase or lowercase.
  • The new password cannot be the same as the last 5 passwords, if any.

Sample Passwords:

Polut36 *

Dem70: ka

2K / mReD

2F, 646 (w

EO * A (/ 5y

g1> 4YjT

o) 5aDA-9