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What should I do to reactivate the IP access of my computer?

If your computer's IP access has been restricted, you should first remove the cause of the problem which can be found on the list at www.netregister.metu.edu.tr -> Restiriction.

In order to remove the network restriction on which IP-MAC matching is in use, such as dormitories, some departments and METU wireless network, sign in to www.netregister.metu.edu.tr with your user name and password.
If the IP access of a device which is registered to your use account is restricted, click  Restriction(s) which is displayed on the screen. 
You can see the restricted MAC address on the next screen. Click Details to see the details.
If you solve the problem that caused restriction click Remove Restriction to reactivate the MAC address. You can only do this once on the same day.
If you cannot see the Remove Restriction button, there may be a serious situation that you must talk to METU-CC. In this case open a support ticket via https://itsupport.metu.edu.tr/ including your MAC address.

Then you will receive a message that your IP restriction has been removed.