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Microsoft Editor checks grammar and more in documents, mail, and the web. The Editor underlines the issues it finds. Select the underlined word or phrase to accept or ignore the suggestion.

Sign in with your Microsoft Office 365 account to get spelling, and grammar checking and get refinements beyond the basics.

[1] Note for staff & students: In order to use Microsoft Editor, follow the instructions on this page and register for Office 365 service with your metu.edu.tr e-mail address. After this process, you can access and use the related software.

[2] Note for windows users: Microsoft Editor is available in Word for Microsoft Office 365 for Windows.

[3] Note for mac users: Microsoft Editor is available in Word for Microsoft Office 365 for Mac.

[4] Note: Look for Editor on the Home tab in Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Editor for the Office 365 apps

Microsoft Office 365 subscribers get premium Editor features in Word, Outlook.com, and Outlook for the web. The Editor offers advanced grammar and style refinements like clarity, conciseness, formality, vocabulary suggestions, and more.

Microsoft Editor for the Web [Browser Extension]

You can check grammar and spelling with the Microsoft Editor browser extension. The Editor runs as an extension on Edge or Chrome.

Get it from your browser's app store:

URL >> Edge

URL >> Chrome

Microsoft Editor Tutorial

In this step-by-step tutorial, you can learn how to use Microsoft Editor.

URL >> How to use Microsoft Editor 

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