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Problems with User Accounts

If you experience problems during User Account creation, you can try some of the solutions below while getting a new user account from https://useraccount.metu.edu.tr

For alumni accounts, please contact mezunkart @ metu.edu.tr 

If you get CODE 103 error, please try again with another browser.

If you get CODE 182 error, please make sure that you selected the appropriate program. (Programs at Ankara campus and at NCC have different names.) Also make sure that you are registered to the active semester by the Registrar's Office.

If you get CODE 183 error, while creating your user code, an error occured, please reach us via "Contact Us" link on METU Computer Center web site with your usercode and related information, please attach a screenshot of the page if possible. 

Please use email addresses other than hotmail.com, live.com or outlook.com as there might be delays with METU - Microsoft e-mail systems.

If you accidentallay used such e-mail addresses, please check whether you received the activation message, check Junk / Spam folders as well. If you received the activation message, you can continue user code activation. If not, please contact us via "Contact Us" link on METU Computer Center web site with your student ID number (or TC ID) and related information.

Currently Registered Students

It is not neccessary to create a user account for currently registered users from User Account website. They can use their current username and password.