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Is there a licensed antivirus software at METU? If so, where can I download/get it from?

In METU Symantec Antivirus software is licensed and being used through out the campus. It is available for download at https://software.cc.metu.edu.tr  or you can also get them from your department computer coordinator. https://software.cc.metu.edu.tr address is only accessible to METU personnel. Login this address using your user code and password. Students who reside at the dormitories can get these software from the security CD supplied to the Dormitory Management.

What is Internal IP Distribution Log? (In Turkish)

English version will be available soon.

1 Kasım 2007 tarih ve 26687 sayılı Resmi Gazete'de yayınlanan yönetmelikteki tanıma göre,
"İç IP Dağıtım Logları, kendi iç
ağlarında dağıtılan IP adres bilgilerini, kullanıma başlama ve bitiş tarih ve saatini ve bu IP adreslerini kullanan bilgisayarların tekil ağ cihaz
numarasını (MAC adresi) gösteren bilgileri" ifade etmektedir.

Bu ifadede daha çok NAT (Network Adress Translation) gibi dinamik olarak IP alan sistemler tanımlanmış olsa da, genel olarak bir IP
adresinin hangi bilgisayar tarafından kullanıldığının ve bu bilgi

What should I do to reactivate the IP access of my computer?

If your computer's IP access has been restricted, you should first solve the problem listed on affected.metu.edu.tr that caused restriction. In order to remove the network restriction on which IP-MAC matching is in use, such as dormitories, some departments and METU wireless network, sign in www.netregister.metu.edu.tr with your user name and password.     If the access of a device which is registered to you has been restricted, a warning is displayed on the top of the screen. Click View Details.     You can see the restricted MAC address on the next screen.

How can I update the operating system of my computer?

If you are using Windows 7 operating system, select;
•  Start > All Programs > Windows Update
•  Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update

If you are using Linux based operating systems, depending on the type of the operating system you can update from different sites.

•  RedHat: Type up2date command to connect to the update site.

•  Mandrake: Type MandrakeUpdate command to connect to the update site.
•  Debian: Start apt-setup program, if it is not installed, install it with apt-get.

What measures does the CC take regarding spam/bogus e-mail?

The messages that arrive at the CC mail server are categorized into spam which are directed to the SPAMBOX folder of the users, some are identified as containing a virus and automatically discarded, the actual messages that do not contain a virus or are not classified as spam are placed at the INBOX folders of the users.
Spam messages are filtered by the CC, by means of the spam filter operating on the e-mail server.

What are the METU Wireless Network Rules and Regulations for Use?

METU Wireless Network - Rules and Regulations for Use

1. The use of wireless network resources (network connection, wireless network connection card, campus /off-campus access etc.), which are allocated for METU students and members, is subject to the rules and conditions set forth within "METU Computing and Networking Ethics" which is available at this address .


How can I read e-mails in other folders such as OLDINBOX, SPAMBOX etc?

In the following, as an example, accessing to OLDINBOX folders are defined. The other folders, such as SPAMBOX, can be accessed similarly.
"OLDINBOX.date" formatted folders,

If you are using Pine program on the main menu;L FOLDER LIST - Select a folder to view option enables you to select a folder and see your messages in that folder. Among these folders are OLDINBOX.date folders.


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