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What should I do to protect my computer against spyware?

Casus yazılımlardan korunmanın en etkin yolu, bunların bulaşmasına yol açan kullanıcı alışkanlıklarının önüne geçmektir. İnternet'te gezinirken her türlü uyarı veya soru penceresini onaylamak birçok gereksiz yazılımın yüklenmesine sebep olmaktadır. Bilgisayar uzmanlığı ve tecrübesi yüksek kişiler herhangi bir anti-casus yazılım kullanmadan da sorunlardan uzak kalabilmektedirler.

I have forgotten the password of an electronic list that I have subscribed, how can I get it? (in Turkish)

E-listelerde kullanılan şifreler, merkezi kullanıcı kodları için kullanılan şifrelerden farklı olup, herhangi bir listeye üye olunduğunda Mailman yazılımı tarafından otomatik olarak tanımlanıp e-liste üyelerine gönderilen şifrelerdir.

How can I use METU E-Mail Services with iPhone or iPad?

You should configure the settings on the central e-mail server in order to read and send e-mail via your iPhone or iPad.

Select Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and tap Add Account.

On "Add Account" screen select Other and on the next screen tap Add Mail Account.

On "New Account" screen write down your name, e-mail address and password and tap Next. Wait until your account is verified.

If you want to access your folders on the server and messages from multiple devices such as computer, mobile phone etc. choose "IMAP".

What should I do after removing the virus from my computer?

If your IP (Internet Protocol) access has been restricted by METU-CC you can send a e-mail to hotline@metu.edu.tr.

After you remove the virus, you should inform METU-CC by sending an e-mail to cc-sec@metu.edu.tr to restore your network connection.

You should check and install the latest system updates from "Windows Update" module in Windows Settings.

How can I create a vacation message?

At times when you won't be able to reply e-mail messages and you may want to automatically inform the senders of the situation, it is possible to arrange a "I am on vacation" message to be sent. This can be done by Horde interface.

With the Horde e-mail interface our users can prepare a "I am on vacation" message by using "Vacation" option under the "Filters" option under the "Mail" on the top menu of Horde where they can enter the topic and the content of the message in the boxes which are provided. The announcement can later be canceled using the same menu path.

How can I use METU Central E-Mail Services with Pine?

Pine, as well as being an easy-to-use program for sending, receiving, and filing Internet electronic mail messages, it facilitates accessing to newsgroups through Newsgroups Service and supports many advanced features for users.

To execute Pine program, you have to use a terminal program such as SSH. The terminal program enables you to login to the central server systems with a user code and a password. After you connect yourself to the servers with your login names and passwords, you have to enter
pine command, on the command line of the system.

What are the Dormitory Rooms Network Rules and Regulations of Use?

Dormitory Rooms Network - Rules and Regulations for Use

1. The use of network resources (network connection, user codes, IP-MAC address combination, campus /off-campus access etc.), which are allocated for the personal computers of the students in the dormitories, is subject to the rules and conditions set forth within "METU Computing and Networking Ethics" which is available at this address.


What is Host Trafic Log? (In Turkish)

English version will be available soon.

24 Ekim 2007 tarih ve 26680 sayılı Resmi Gazete'de yayınlanan yönetmeliğe göre,

"Yer sağlayıcı trafik bilgisi, İnternet ortamındaki her türlü yer sağlamaya ilişkin olarak; kaynak IP adresi, hedef IP adresi,
bağlantı tarih-saat bilgisi, istenen sayfa adresi, işlem bilgisi (GET, POST komut detayları) ve sonuç bilgisi gibi bilgileri ifade etmektedir."

Tanımlanan bu bilgiye, bir hukuksal incelemede kullanılmak üzere yer sağlayıcılık faaliyetleri kapsamındaki bir faaliyetin kim
tarafından yapıldığının tespiti için ihtiyaç duyulm


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